Our Vision and Values

Learn about the vision, values and ambitions of our PCN

Our Vision

Our vision for the future is to create a patient care system that includes everyone. A system where member practices continue to work closely with health and social care, voluntary sectors, community groups and local people to deliver efficient and timely personalised care. To make the best use of available resources to ensure that everyone gets the right support, in the right place, at the right time.

With a growing population increasingly living a 24/7 lifestyle, there is strong evidence that health outcomes are socially determined and that the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and grow old influence their health. Our vision focuses not only on direct health service provision, but also on helping people to help themselves and their local communities offering extended access to new and existing services is very important in creating our vision of care.

image depicting vision

Our Values

  • Value and respect people, whether that be patient or staff
  • Attention to detail when planning individual care, what really matters to the patient.
  • Listening to others.
  • Open and honest care environment with no judgements.
  • Empowering patients to make informed decisions about their own care.
  • Learning and changing.


Our ambition is to provide a joined-up care system where everyone has access to the care they need quickly and effectively.

To achieve this, we will focus on four key themes: Prevention, Supported Self-Management, Education and Empowerment and New Models of Care.


We will support people to live healthier lives, reducing their risk of developing health conditions in future. In addition, we will proactively identify those at risk of ill health and put early measures in place to ensure people live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Supported Self-Management

We will work in partnership with the individual to help them to understand the nature and impact of their health condition, empowering them to have the knowledge, skills, confidence and support they need to manage their condition effectively in everyday life.

Education and Empowerment

We will provide people with the tools they need to understand when and how and when to access healthcare services, allowing well people to thrive and those that are struggling to be supported, so that overall the whole population benefits.

New Models of Care

We will streamline our care processes and pathways, creating opportunities for new, innovative and effective models of care to be trialled and adopted.